High School

Grade: 10th (2nde), 11th (1ère) and 12th (Terminale)

In High school, the curriculum is spread over three years: 2nde, 1ère and Terminale. The aim is to prepare students for the French Baccalaureat, a globally recognized diploma which allows them to apply for and study in the best universities and schools in France, Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia.


The class of 2nde (10th grade) is a class in which students will prepare to choose an option for their class of 1ère. At the end of seconde (10th grade), students choose three specialties to follow in the general section or international section.

It is at the same time a class for consolidating a common culture for all students and a determination class for making informed career choices in 1ère.

Schedule and Subject Organization

The 2nde class includes core subjects for all students

Common lessons (per week)
French: 4h
History – Geography: 2h
Foreign languages A and B: 6h
Economic and social sciences (SES): 1h30
Mathematics: 4h
Physics-chemistry : 3h
Biology (SVT) : 1h30
PE : 2h
Civics : 18h annual
Digital sciences and technology : 1h30

Personalized support: hours determined according to students’ needs
Optional courses: 1 to 6 hours (see list of optional courses)

Subjects taught

Teaching French develops students’ reading and expression skills. They enrich their literary and artistic culture and play a decisive role in building their mind, the development of their imagination, the education of their sensitivity.

The work on language now occupies a fundamental place in High school alongside the study of literature. It allows to deepen the knowledge acquired in Middle school, to put it towards the comprehension of texts and the improvement of the student’s expression.

The curriculum is centered on four study subjects: poetry, the literature of ideas and the press, the novel and the narrative, drama.

Starting in 2nde, the students begin to work, in a progressive way, the written and oral tests of the anticipated Baccalaureate exams.

The curriculum in mathematics in class 2nde brings the students to consolidate the achievements of Middle school and to develop a taste for mathematics and the mastery of abstraction. It is organized into five main topics: “Numbers and calculations”, “Geometry”, “Functions”, “Statistics and probabilities” and “Algorithms and programming”.

History and geography help students understand the evolution of societies, cultures, politics. They show students how the choices of past and present actors influence the world today. The 2nde history curriculum focuses on the major stages in the formation of the modern world, from the legacies of Antiquity and the Middle Ages up to the 18th century. In geography, students work on the notions of environment, development and mobility.

Biology (SVT), as an extension of what has been seen in Middle school, allows the students to acquire a solid scientific culture to understand the world. Students acquire scientific knowledge and know-how to make them responsible in the areas of the environment, health and safety.

The second-year SVT program is organized around three main themes, designed to arouse students’ interest and curiosity: the Earth, life and the evolution of living organis ms; contemporary issues facing the planet, in particular the environment, sustainable development, resource and risk management; the human body and health.

The digital sciences and technology curriculum leads the students to acquire the main concepts of digital sciences, to understand the growing weight of digital technology and its challenges.

Students acquire scientific knowledge and know-how that will enable them to adopt a thoughtful and reasoned use of digital technologies in daily or professional life. The different topics addressed in the curriculum are: internet, the web, social networks, digital photography.

The curriculum is common to all modern foreign languages. It insists on oral communication and aims for levels of competence to be achieved that are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Emphasis is put on the use of digital technologies that allow students to progress in and outside of the classroom with the help of their teachers. Technological education in the first modern language (ETLV) is extended to all technological series. Two teachers speak in front of the students to provide more practical teaching and promote oral skills.

By extending the topics seen in Middle school, this curriculum offers to explore reality, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. The 2nde program is structured around four topics that deal with the constitution and transformations of matter; movement and interactions; waves and signals; energy conversions and transfers. These topics make it possible to deal with many situations of everyday life.

This subject intends to promote experimental practice and modeling activity. The aim is to give students an interesting and authentic view on physics and chemistry.

Economic and social sciences are now part of the core subjects to all 2nde students. The aim is to help the students acquire the understanding of the essential concepts and reasonings in economy, sociology and political science.

This subject contributes to the training of enlightened citizens on the major economic, social and political issues of the contemporary world.

This subject allows students to discover new disciplinary fields and to be enlightened for their option choices in the last cycle of the general section.

Physical and sports education offers all students the opportunity for physical practice that develops the pleasure of being active. Through physical, sporting, and artistic practice, EPS allows everyone to develop their motor skills, to learn to prepare and train, to build social behaviors, and to develop their health.

This subject also aims at creating a fulfilled citizen, able to engage regularly and autonomously in an active and united way of life.


Since the start of the 2019 school year, the ES/L/S series has been replaced by specialist subjects. These subjects allow students to deepen their knowledge in the areas they have chosen.

The series has been replaced by specialist subjects: 3 in 1ère (at a rate of 4 hours per course) and 2 in Terminale (at a rate of 6 hours per course).

These subjects will allow students to deepen their knowledge in their chosen fields. They will also enable students to gradually develop their study plans and prepare for success in higher education.

In première (11th grade) and terminale (12th grade), all students will also follow a set of common courses representing over 50% of school time: French in première and philosophy in terminale, sciences, mathematics, history-geography, CLIL history-geography, civics, foreign languages A and B, and PE.

These courses ensure that everyone acquires fundamental knowledge and a humanist and scientific culture that is open to the challenges of the future. They prepare each student for the demands of higher education and the professional world.

French School Jakarta offers a choice of 8 specialty courses.

  • Mathematics
  • Economic and social sciences
  • Physics Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • History-Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science
  • Humanities, Philosophy, and Literature
  • Digital and Computer Sciences


The French Baccalauréat (BAC) is the diploma that marks the completion of high school program and follows the guidelines of the French Ministry of Education. The diploma is obtained at the end of Terminale and is the essential entry ticket for universities around the world.

The Baccalaureate exam takes place over a two-year period. The French Bac is widely recognized around the world. English-speaking universities value the French Bac because it is often considered difficult to obtain. It is recognized as a complete and rigorous curriculum guaranteeing in-depth knowledge.

At the French School Jakarta, we’re proud of our 100% Bac pass rate. It is the embodiment of our students’ hard work as well as the dedication, passion, and experience of our international teachers.

So it’s hardly surprising that universities, not only in France, but also in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and all over the world, regard FSJ graduates with interest.


exam pass rate in 2024
0 %