at the French School Jakarta

French School Jakarta makes every effort to ensure that everyone on the site works in a healthy environment that guarantees their integrity.
French School Jakarta relies on strict procedures to control access. A security company is present on the site 24/7. The site is equipped with video surveillance cameras for internal use only.

- Security outside the YSF is provided daily by the Indonesian police. They are in beige and brown uniforms and ensure traffic management and compliance with general safety instructions with regard to a French-managed international establissment.
- Adults (parents, YSF employees) are held responsible for the behavior of their children or employees (drivers, pembantu). You are asked to check with them that the safety and traffic instructions have been learned and are respected.
- Badges: FSJ has introduced a badge system for primary/college/high school students. They are handed out at the beginning of the school year. Their presentation is compulsory for anyone wishing to enter the premises, adults as well as students. Anyone wishing to enter the YSF without a badge must request one from the security desk. We ask you to ensure that the students have their badge at all times, otherwise they will be refused entry to the school. Access badges also act as the student’s school identity card and lunch card, and allow parents to enter the school.
- Children remain the responsibility of their parents until they are admitted to the school : after badge control on the primary, middle and high school sides, and in the playground on the kindergarten side.
- For safety reasons, cars may not be parked in the vicinity of the FSJ, with the exception of parents who do not have drivers, and for the time strictly necessary to drop off or pick up their children, subject to availability. No vehicle is allowed to park outside these locations.
- Motorized members of the school community must remove their helmets, dismount when entering the YSF and park their vehicles in one of the school’s two-wheeled parking areas.
- FSJ is a smoke-free establishment. It is strictly forbidden to smoke on site.
Preparation for the management of emergency or exceptional situations
The management of fire, lockdown, barricaded lockdown:
conducting 2 to 3 drills per year that may be held without notice.
The Special Security Plan for major risks (PPMS):
conducting an annual lockdown or barricaded lockdown drill. In the event of an emergency, parents will be informed of what to do by email.