Speech therapy at FSJ

As you know, there is a speech therapist in the school.

Who is it for?

This service is aimed at French-speaking pupils with difficulties or disorders in speech, comprehension, expression of
language, or learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, ADHD, etc.).

NB: The fact that speech therapy can be provided in addition to educational support and that the speech therapist’s office is located in the lycée may lead to some confusion, but this intervention comes under the paramedical field and not the educational field.

Who makes the decision to contact the speech therapist?

  • Families can spontaneously contact the speech therapist if they suspect a particular difficulty.
    (email : [email protected])
  • Teachers can recommend that families consult
    the speech therapist.

When do the sessions take place?

Sessions are preferably held outside school hours. However, with younger children, or if the child’s timetable does not allow it, sessions may take place during school hours.

Where do the sessions take place?

The speech and language therapist’s office is located between the nursery room and the library.

What are the different steps?

  1. An initial contact by email will enable an appointment to be scheduled with the family.
  2. If, during this meeting, it seems appropriate to carry out a speech and language therapy assessment, the speech and language therapist will explain the implications of this assessment in financial terms and the administrative steps to be taken.
  3. If the family confirms that they wish to have the speech and language therapy assessment carried out, this is done during 2 sessions with the child alone.
  4. The report of the speech and language assessment is then presented to the family at a further appointment.
  5. If the assessment highlights the need for speech and language therapy, the speech therapist tells the family about the proposed treatment, the number of sessions planned and the steps to be taken (medical prescription, invoicing, insurance claims, etc.).

Cost :

  • Speech therapy is a paramedical service and its cost is not covered by the lycée.
  • The lycée will generate invoices via Eduka to offset the speech therapist’s salary.
  • These invoices can then be reimbursed by the families’ medical insurance at their request).
    • Speech and language assessment: €120
    • Speech therapy sessions: €50/session