Health protocol

French School Jakarta

From school to high school, a peaceful start to the new school year in compliance with health recommendations.

The FSJ’s health protocol is the result of a collaborative effort by the CHS (Health and Safety Commission), supervised by the medical department and validated by the French Embassy’s Safety Officer. It complies with the recommendations of the French High Scientific Council. 

The main principles of the health protocol

In case COVID-19 symptoms appear

All persons agree not to come to the FSJ and to inform the establishment immediately.

Before leaving the house

You are encouraged to take your child’s temperature before leaving for school, even if there are no symptoms.

If it is above 37.3°C, your child should stay at home.

Each child must have in their possession 3 masks, a large bottle of water marked with their name.

If a member of the family is tested positive with the virus, you should keep your child at home. Online lessons will be offered to him/her.

* Are not considered as a mask: collars, bandanas, scarves, etc.

Upon arrival at school

Gathering and intersecting will be limited.

Only students and staff are allowed to enter the school reception area:

  • with a protective mask ;
  • after hand disinfection ;
  • after taking the temperature.

If a person has a temperature above 37.3°C, they will be immediately isolated. The medical team will contact the family for the child to return home.

All day long at school

Mandatory mask wearing

In Middle and High school, wearing a mask is mandatory.

In Elementary school, wearing a mask is mandatory.

In Kindergarten, wearing a mask is mandatory.

Hand hygiene

Students must wash their hands with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel*:

  • On arrival at school,
  • Before returning to class, especially after recess
  • Before and after each meal
  • Before and after going to the bathroom
  • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
  • As needed after handling potentially contaminated objects
  • In the evening, before going home.

* In Kindergarten and Elementary school, hydroalcoholic gel will be used under the supervision of an adult.


The Students:

  • Wearing a mask is compulsory in the classroom and the playground.

  • Respecting the circulation system (crossing of flows).

  • Respecting physical distancing in each area.

  • Gathering is prohibited in shared areas.

  • Use of hydroalcoholic gel in all classrooms.

  • Students are encouraged to change their mask every 4 hours.

The teachers

Health personnel

Administrative, school life, security and technical staff.

In Kindergarten

Before entering the Kindergarten, temperature control and hand washing is compulsory and systematic for everyone.

Regular hand washing will be supervised by the team and the classrooms will be ventilated and disinfected by our cleaning team every two hours.

Masks must be worn by everyone (adults and students).

What are the signs?

If your child has any of these symptoms, please see a doctor and/or have a PCR test done.

If your child has two or more of these symptoms, please see a doctor and/or get a PCR test.

In any other case, your child can go to school.

Protocol in case symptoms appear

At school

  • Mandatory respect of the barrier gestures.
  • Immediate isolation of the person by the nurse.
  • Monitoring

  • Contact with the family for a return home.

  • Reminder of the procedure to be followed by parents : consult a doctor who will decide whether and how to screen the child.
  • Thorough cleaning of the room where the person was isolated.

Home follow-up

  • Inform the nurse’s office of the student’s health evolution.
  • In the event of proven COVID-19, a medical certificate will be required to return to school.

All day long at school

Case n°1 I have COVID

Case n°2 I have symptoms

Case n°3 I am a contact case

These measures can be adapted by the health authorities. Families will be supported according to their needs.