The Bodies

of the French School Jakarta

Jérémy Akoum

Chairman to the Board of Governors

Christophe Glass

Vice-President, in charge of purchasing

Larasati Novandra


Isabella Lopez Vera

Administrator, in charge of HR issues

Philippe Auberger

Administrator, in charge of corporate relations

Ludovic Bouvier

Administrator, in charge of orientations and the development project


The Board of Governors is composed of a total of fourteen members including:

  • 7 members with voting rights corresponding to the parents elected to the Bureau of the Association
  • 7 members with consultative voices: the Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action in Indonesia, the Consul of France in Jakarta, the Principal and the Director of the primary school (both appointed by AEFE), two staff representatives from LIFE School Jakarta, and an Indonesian important figure.

The Administrative and Financial Director is invited to the Boards of Governors who may also call on experts, depending on the agenda.

The Board of Governors has the following permanent functions:

  • To prepare, present and pass through the General Assembly the budget of the school and to manage this budget as adopted
  • ensure the recruitment and retention of a competent teaching staff suited to the objectives of the French School Jakarta
  • To ensure the application and respect of the articles of the association, internal regulations and any special safety rules
  • To ensure the sustainability of school premises, their maintenance, their possible replacement as well as their equipment

The Board of Directors works in close collaboration with the School Council, which formulates all pedagogical proposals aimed at improving teaching and daily life at the FSJ. The Board of Governors may also create any other special commission or study group to assist them in solving specific, non-educational problems.

Staff representatives on the Board of Governors

Vincent Tudela

Secondary school teacher

Thibaut Paysant

Secondary school teacher

Composed of the school senior management team, staff representatives, elected parent representatives and student representatives, one representative of the Board of Governors, the Embassy’s Cultural Counselor, the Consulate and two consular advisors. It is chaired by the Principal.

Responsibilities of the School Council

The School Council is responsible for all pedagogical and educational matters concerning the school.

The School Education Board approves:

  • Strategic planning and development, on the recommendation of the School Governing Board and the Secondary School Board for Middle and High School.
  • School rules after consultation with the Preparatory Board (the School Governing Board and the Secondary School Board For Middle and High School)
  • The school calendar
  • The proposed allocation of expatriate and local staff

The School Education Board offers advice on:

  • Proposals for the evolution of the educational structures and the composition of classes.
  • Academic planning
  • The program of activities offered by school organizations and clubs
  • Questions relating to the information for parents, parent participation in the life of the school
  • Annual Program and financing of school trips
  • Organization of school life
  • Questions related to hygiene, health and security and action plans in these domaines.
  • Welcoming and supporting the students with disabilities.
  • Canteen and school transport
  • Delegations of service and school’s procurement
  • Budgetary requirements of the establishment and the use of the resources allocated during the establishment’s budget presentation
  • Training program, as proposed by the training unit.

The School Education Board meets at least once per term.

Administration representatives on the Board of Governors

  • Vincent Bonnefille
  • Frédéric Tavernier
    Primary school principal
  • Salsabil Nabila Afhani
  • Firman Marbun
    General Manager

Staff representatives on the Board of Governors

  • Aurore Loosen
  • Marine Lambert
  • Elys Siagian
    Executive secretary
  • Ray Kertapati
    School life staff

Student representatives on the Board of Governors

  • Angelina Gaulé
  • Elias Helfand

Parent representatives on the Board of Governors

  • Ludovic Cognard
  • Rose Nehme
  • Damien Lefèvre

Embassy representative

  • Jules Irrmann
    Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Action in Indonesia

Made up of the principal, the elementary school principal, the national education inspector or his representative, school teachers and parent delegates, the school council is an assembly that makes important decisions about the organization of the school.

By invitation

  • Medical and paramedical partners
  • Any individual with relevant expertise related to an item of the agenda

The School Council is a decision-making body that :

  • Votes the school’s internal rules
  • Approves the school’s educational program
  • Can outline an organizational planning for the school week (with the approval of the IEN)

The School Governing Board is a consultative body which advises and makes suggestions regarding :

  • Management of the school and any issues relating to school’s life
  • Academic activities
  • Allocation of school resources
  • Provisions for disabled students
  • After school, sport and cultural activities
  • School canteen
  • School hygiene
  • Student safety and security

The School Governing Board is a source of information for :

  • The selection of educational textbooks and materials
  • Organization of special support services
  • Organization of parent-teacher meetings, especially those taking place at the beginning of the school year and orientation

The School Council is set up for one year and meets at least once a term.

The CVCL allows the students’ representatives to express their opinions in order to stimulate a new dynamic in middle and high school, new projects, a better operation of the school and well-being for the students.

The High School Club is an association of high school students, created and managed by students and for the students. It aims to create a dynamic school environment by involving students in projects. The High School Club is managed by one president, one treasurer and one secretary.

Every term, the High School Student Board brings together student representatives from every class of the Secondary School with the Principal and the Education Advisor. The High School Student Board is co-chaired by the Principal and a student elected by the student representatives. The representatives of this assembly have a seat on the School Educational Board.