Apply to
French School Jakarta

2024-2025 recruitment campaign

We regularly publish vacancies and potential vacancies. For teachers, these may be local contract positions or “détachés” posts. Non-teaching positions are local contracts.
1. A School Companion (VIESCO)

1. Maternelle Assistant

  • Local contract 40 hours a week
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description
2. One Educational Assistant (Vie Scolaire)
  • Working hours: 40 hours / week (including lunch break)
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description
3. A School Companion (VIESCO)
  • Working hours: 40 hours / week (including lunch break)
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description


1. Maternelle Assistant

  • Local contract 40 hours a week
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description

1. Physical education and sports teacher (EPS)

Local contract without “détachés”

2. Indonesian Language Teacher

  • Local contract 12 hours a week
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description

1. School psychologist / Specialist teacher / Counselor

  • School psychologist / Specialist teacher / Counselor (full-time)
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description

1. Event Organizer and Alumni Officer

  • Event organizer and Alumni officer (full-time)
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description
  • Application deadline: May 12, 2024

2. FLE teacher

Local contract without “détachés”

3. History/geography and FLE teacher

Local contract without “détachés”

===vacant from detaches====

  • 1 School teacher
  • 1 Mathematics teacher
  • 1 Physical Education and Sports teacher

Secondment contract
Recruitment campaign 2024-2025

For your application to be considered, please send us a complete electronic file (no paper files) by e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you systematically by the secretariat.

Please note that due to the large number of applications, the secretariat is unable to follow up on forgotten documents. No reminder is sent, and the application is not considered a priority.

To make it easier to process your application, we ask you to save the elements of your resident file as follows: your first and last name and the position for which you are applying (discipline). In this general folder, sort your documents into subfolders, specifying the name of the document: for example, your first and last name-CV. All documents should be scanned as PDFs and zipped into a single folder. Our secretariat will be very grateful to you!

Communication of results
Only candidates ranked in the top 3 are contacted and informed of their ranking. Everyone is given 72 hours to respond to the job offer. If the proposal is accepted, the candidate fills in a job acceptance form and cannot accept any further proposals.


3. Mathematics teacher

Local contract without “détachés”

===contract local===

3. English teacher (primary)

Local contract without “détachés”

3. School orthoponist

Local contract without “détachés”

  • School Speech Therapist
  • Starting date: September 1, 2024
  • Job description
  • Application deadline: June 9, 2024

1. School teacher

Local contract without “détachés”

No offer for the moment

No offer for the moment

No offer for the moment

1. School psychologist / Specialist teacher / Counselor

  • School psychologist / Specialist teacher / Counselor (full-time)
  • Job description